Mother's Day Gift Basket (Pre-Order)

Mother's Day Gift Basket (Pre-Order)

A simple but thoughtful gift for all the moms in your life.


1 bottle of Stolpman Vineyards 2023 “Love You Bunches” Rosé

1 cheerful annual, BabyWing Begonia shown, but we may substitute. (can be planted in a larger pot or directly in the ground)

1 3oz Spring Blossom Honey from Hudson Hives

1 Chocolate dipped macaroon from Yummy Mummy

Pre-order anytime for May 11th or 12th pick-up.

If you prefer to have it delivered, please call or email the store to arrange. Local delivery only. $5 in Upton, $10 in a contiguous town.

2 left in stock
